Here, Lacey is sitting in Great-Grandma Simmons's rocking chair, that she got when she was a little girl. So cute.
She loves to talk on the phone, and even though she's never seen a phone like this before, she knew just what it was for.
Reaching up to play with Grandpa's really old typewriter, since I wouldn't let her play with Grandpa's computer.
Lacey with Great-grandpa Simmons.
And with Great-grandma Simmons
Lacey eating some fruit. I just thought this was a funny picture.
Lacey stealing some treats. There's always treat at Grandma's house. I ate way too many of them. Those little pumpkins were also a hit for Lacey. She spend half her time playing with them, I think.
And she LOVED the stairs. That's how she spent the other half of her time. She figured out how to slide down on her tummy, and would say, "Weeee!" all the way down. And if you're wondering if that room is really that orange . . . yes, it is.
Lacey learned real fast that if you hold a magnifying glass up to your face, it makes things look funny. I don't know if she realized that SHE looked funny, too.
We had to get some pictures in Grandpa's garden. This is one of my favorites.
Lacey kept hearing a dog barking and making this funny face at it, so I copied her.
And then she tried to stuff this flower in my mouth.
I thought this was a good picture of Lacey.
Before we left, we got a nice four-generational picture.
Great grandma's chair. Cool. What a treasure.