Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter morning looked a lot more like Christmas morning than the Easters I remember in South Carolina.

We started out the day with an Easter egg hunt for Daddy. I hid eggs for Phil last year, and he really liked it, so I decided to do it for him again this year. Maybe next year Lacey will be more interested in searching for eggs. Phil thought I wasn't going to do it again this year because of some conversations we had, which is funny, because I thought that I was hinting that I WAS going to hide candy for him, during those same conversations. He was excited when he found random candies sitting around.

Can you see the candy in this picture? Phil can't, until I took a picture of him.

Lacey just wanted to eat the basket.

Daddy took "rest hymn" a little too literally during the morning session of General Conference.

Later, I put a pretty dress on Lacey and took some cute pictures to document her first Easter. Isn't she so cute?

We made pizza for out Easter dinner. That's a bbq chicken pizza I'm diggin in to. If there's one thing the BoBos know how to do, it's make a good pizza.

And, of course, it is most important to remember why we celebrate Easter--that the Lord Jesus Christ conquered death, and rose the third day from the tomb. Rejoice, for He is risen, and He has suffered for our sins! He is risen! Christ has won the victory!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!!! Did you hide any eggs in the dryer? It's always there (like clutter) and therefore invisible.
