Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Independence from the Weather

This is a quote by Boyd K. Packer I think of when I consider disrupting my plans because of the weather.

"I had built a barn at our home in Lindon, UT. I wanted to paint it, but because I traveled a lot for the seminaries I was seldom home on a Saturday. When the first free Saturday did come so I could paint, it rained. I declared my independence from the weather that day and I painted the barn in the rain. I decided that day that I was not going to let the weather dictate what I was going to do that day or any other day. I took the philosophy, let it rain, I got here first. I used to tell the missionaries in the New England States Mission that if they had nothing more than the weather to which to attach their dispositions, they were a yo-yo, going up and down all the time. I have been a lot happier since I declared my independence from the weather."

So, by golly, I'm going to go shopping today, rain or snow or not! AND I'm going to go running this evening! (Icy roads are a different story, though.)


  1. Well. I dunno. Sometimes it's safer to stay home. Does your car insurance have a $500 deductible?

  2. Of course if it's dangerous I won't go out--I don't like driving even in good weather. But the point was not to let a few snow flakes or rain drops disrupt my plans when I want to get things done, which I am very apt to do. I'm sure I skipped a few classes in college because I didn't want to walk to campus in the rain or snow. But when there's snow and ice on the roads, I'm not on them. Especially not with my baby.

  3. Having a baby changes everything. Great, isn't it?!

  4. Get some yak tracks to run on the ice with!
