Phil goes to work and then goes to school. He's taking a calculus and a music class this semester, getting those GEs out of the way before he starts the real work. He still hasn't gotten a calling in our new ward, and we've been here since August. They tried to put him in Scouts, but he has class in the evenings so he could would never be able to make it to their meetings. Maybe they're holding him in reserve for something really special.... That's a scary thought.
I've been hanging around home all day with Lacey--the cutest little baby in the world. We go for walks and sing songs and listen to fun music, and if I'm lucky she'll take a couple naps during the day. If I'm lucky, Lacey will let me indulge in a hobby or two during the day, mostly in the way of trying a new recipe. Saturday morning I made some delicious pumpkin pancakes (recipe here) and it may be the best pancake recipe I've ever tried (best topped with fried apples for the perfect fall breakfast). I've also been doodling around with designing our Christmas card. I've found that it's something that I really enjoy doing.
And now, what everyone REALLY wants to know about--
At her 6 month appointment, I was rather concerned that she hadn't gained weight as she should have. And sure enough, she'd actually lost some weight. I promise, I'm not starving my baby, and she actually eats very well (at least, I thought so!). On Thursday she weighed 11 pounds 4 oz, which is a pound lighter than she weight at 4 months, and just exactly what she weighed at 2 months (granted, she was a chubby 2 months). It's not worrisome, because she's exactly where she should be developmentally and doing everything that a 6 month old should be doing, but I do have to take her in to have her weighed every week to make sure that she starts gaining again, and in the meantime take every opportunity to get extra calories in her. I believe that she's stolen the title of Smallest Bobo Baby!
And that's what those BoBos have been up to lately!
I love your family pictures!!! You guys are just darling. We sure miss you!! Such a bummer we live so far away. Give Lacey a big kiss for me!